Friday, July 15, 2011

Valve at GamesCom 2011! Potential Dota 2 Showcase?

Good news!

Valve's been identified as one of the attendees of Gamescom 2011 in Cologne, Germany.
Now for some even greater news.

Valve has already registered and made reservations for two booths for Dota 2 at:

Hall 4.2
Stand: G045 H044

Hall 7.1
Stand: B050 A05
Gamescom 2011 is going to be held during August 18 to August 21, 2011. 

Can't wait for the press release on Dota 2 there, we're going to have all the latest news here. 

Dota 2: Why Dota needs a revamp

Essentially speaking, Dota 2 isn't a clone of Dota. It's the new era of MOBA games. In the last two years we've seen two big titles sprung up from the depths of the Dota franchise and take control of the industry: League of legends and Heroes of Newearth. In order to match up, the Dota franchise needs to revamp the game with some essential fixes such as item recipes being too complicated to 1v5 heroes. Not to mention that Dota was originally built on the Warcraft III engine. This gives a fresh start to the Dota franchise by building the game on a system that is meant just for Dota.

Not to mention, Valve is taking care of this. Who can doubt Valve's success in the pc gaming industry?

Keep checking out the Dota 2 blog for the latest news on Dota 2!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Valve could be introducing a dynamic payment model for DOTA 2

There's been a lot of talk on how Valve will charge users for Dota 2 and a lot of rumored plans have been involved. However, the most interesting and talked about policy is the dynamic payment model, although Gave Newell has denied any confirmation on the plan.

You can read about Newell's meeting with Develop staff about Dota 2 here

Hypothetically, Newell has talked about a very special payment model for Dota 2. "So, in practice, a really likable person in our community should get DOTA 2 for free, because of past behavior in Team Fortress 2" Newell added. "Now, a real jerk that annoys everyone, they can still play, but a game is full price and they have to pay an extra hundred dollars if they want voice." They're already steering towards a F2P market as you can tell by TF2.

Might be an exciting change from current MOBA type games like League of legends and Heroes of Newearth. Only time will tell, if Dota 2 can surpass its predecessor and the current games of it's genre.

Keep checking here for the latest news!

Confirmed Dota 2 heroes

This is the current list of Dota 2 heroes. Anything not confirmed by Dota 2 and Valve staff is subject to change.

Confirmed by Valve Official News

  • Bloodseeker
  • Drow Ranger
  • Lina
  • Morphling

IGN sneak peek

  • Axe
  • Beastmaster
  • Riki
  • Sven
  • Tidehunter

SteamPowered sneak peek

  • Lich
  • Vengeful Spirit
  • Death Prophet

    Concept art released for Dota 2 heroes

    Here are the current released pictures of Dota 2 heroes. These concept arts are taken from the Dota 2 homepage and confirmed by Valve as being official heroes.

    First up is Drow Ranger, the badass hunter from WCIII returning with a vengeance and a new look.

    Next up is the infamous BloodSeeker, eager to try his new weapons on an unsuspecting foe

    The every elusive and mysterious morphling 

    Finally, the hot and spicy Lina, ready to burst into flames. Get ready for her to redefine hot.